GTA03 = has FPU?

Anton Persson don.juanton at
Sun Mar 1 21:52:55 CET 2009

Oh, I forgot; IF the GTA03 _doesn't_ have a FPU, do anyone know a good and
vector based GFX-lib that _doesn't_ use floats? (Maybe I need to write one,
there isn't, and if the GTA03 won't have a proper FPU..)

A nice SVG-based (but converted to fixed-point math) GUI with more focus on
finger-friendlyness would be nice, and maybe worth writing.


On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Anton Persson <don.juanton at> wrote:

> Hi,
> will the GTA03 have a FPU?
> The reason I'm wondering is because of, well, it sucks if it doesn't.. We
> all
> want to run all available standard Linux apps on this thing, but many
> applications
> _require_ floating point math, especially for graphics! I've been working
> a lot (a lot meaning, whenever I don't have to take care of my "real" job,
> and
> my family.. :-P) on my program "SATAN" and I got pretty good performance
> out of it now.. The problem though is that it is GTK- and Cairo-based and
> that
> these libraries use floats quite extensively.. This really hurts
> performance
> on the OpenMoko and makes the application feel really sluggish when you
> want to interact with the GUI. I haven't done any real benchmarks, but I do
> know that the floating point version of SATAN is totally UNUSABLE on the
> OpenMoko, but the fixed-point math version works "OK" (except the GUI
> then..).
>    Best regards
>      Anton
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