wmiconfig compilation
Lev M
lvmtime at gmail.com
Fri Feb 19 13:17:45 CET 2010
Without knowing exactly what you did while tweaking the makefiles I
can't be sure, but if the headers you were missing are part of the
distribution you were building for (and not something to do with a
specific hw module) then you may need to install the proper dev packages
using opkg.
I am not sure about other distros, but in Ubuntu this needs to be done
from the actual root account and not via sudo (not sure why).
The procedure is:
. /usr/local/openmoko/arm/environment-setup # note this is a different
script then the usual setupenv for compilation
opkg-target pckage_im_missing-dev
hope this helps.
Niels Heyvaert wrote:
> Hi list,
> I hope this subject has not already been discussed (did not find it in the archives).
> I've been trying to compile wmiconfig from source on a 64bit system after installing the toolchain as per the instructions on:
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Toolchain
> and downloading the source and modifying the path as per:
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Wmiconfig
> The make process panicked completely because of includes of header files that failed. By tweaking the Makefile I was able to compile without problems.
> I had to add the path to the ar6000/include and ar6000/ar6000 directories to get it working.
> Now my question is, does this mean my toolchain installation is incorrect?
> Can be anything, I know, but given the fact that my system is quite fresh, I was wondering if something is missing in the documentation...
> Any hints?
> Thanks for your input,
> Niels.
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