SIP apps

Krzysztof Kajkowski cayco at
Sat Aug 4 19:42:40 CEST 2007


I am struggling to get any of SIP client to work on my Neo - and no success.

I tried two clients: minisip and linphone.

Minisip - should be nice if I could run it but it requires libgtkmm >=
2.8 which is not available on the newest Ubuntu distro...

linphone - looks ok but I was able to compile only console client.
Somehow Gtk client did not compiles. Anyway, I got one sip account on
one of public SIP providers and tried to call my other SIP account I
use daily. I can head the phone rang but after I take the call I hear
nothing. I am sure that alsamixer is set OK because I can call to
other GSM phone. I also tried diffrent ALSA setings but none worked -
no mic and no speaker.

Did any of you succeded in making SIP calls? That would be fantastic
enhancement for neo if we could make SIP call via bluetooth.

best regards


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