Some starting difficulties with GTA01

Mark Chandler mcl at
Sat Aug 11 06:33:54 CEST 2007

Peter Rasmussen wrote:
> I received my GTA01 and was very pleased :-)
> Having flashed it a couple of times, using the description in 
> "" I 
> have become a little puzzled as to what to do now.
> It seems that even with the same uImage and openmoko-devel-image, I 
> sometimes get different situations after a reboot.
> Right now I have:
> ./dfu-util -a 3 -R -D uImage-
> ./dfu-util -a 5 -R -D 
> openmoko-devel-image-fic-gta01-20070803080736.rootfs.jffs2
> I dare not flash the uboot because of all the warnings mentioned reg. 
> that. Is that still true, and is it really not necessary to flash uboot?
> Anyway, what I would like to know now is, is there a way to force 
> re-adjusting the screen?
> I seem to have mis-typed a point the last time I was asked to do it, 
> and the actual point pushed is offset from where I actually push. And 
> even re-flashing doesn't anymore provide an option to re-adjust the 
> screen.
> Then, I have only once been able to get a terminal window going (main 
> drop-down -> terminal), but I am still not able to push <enter> 
> because the area won't be activated no matter where I push on the 
> screen. However, most times pushing 'terminal' didn't provide any 
> reaction from the system.
> I have more questions than this, but getting a terminal working should 
> help a lot in the short term :-)
> TIA,
> Peter
if you need to recalibrate the screen, what I've done is to SSH in over 
USB and run the following:
export DISPLAY=:0.0

Hope that helps,

Mark C.

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