Hi community

Tilman Baumann tilman at baumann.name
Tue Aug 14 14:56:47 CEST 2007


i yust got my Neo-Device at the CCCamp2007.
And i'm soooo looking forward doing fun stuff with it. :)

In order to afford the new device, i had to trade my old Nokia 770 to a
friend. (Got 200 Euros)
Someone took pictures of this exchange. I would be glad if he could send
  them to me.
(I think he was from the Braunschweig-Connection. But i don't remember
the name)

PS: Yes, i'm silly.
Trading a perfectly working device +1Gb MMC for a telephone that isn't
even abel to make phone calls out of the box. *ggg*

  Tilman Baumann

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