2007.11 - Report in from Switzerland

Alexandre Ghisoli alexandre.ghisoli at ycom.ch
Wed Dec 5 10:06:49 CET 2007

Hello all, 

I've just tested the 2007.11 snapshot here in Switzerland, here is my
1st day report :

I still getting bug with pin where the device is asking for PIN even if
I enter a correct one.

Using the Mickey's trick let my phone register with network : 
a) submit the PIN once
b) press cancel for all subsequently appearing PIN dialogs
c) use the gsm panel applet to power on the antenna and then

- Phoning
It works pretty well, voice quality is good. The only bug is when I
close the connexion from the regular phone, Neo didn't hang, I've to do
it manually.

- Networks
a) Sunrise : Ok
b) Swisscom : Ok
c) Orange : not tested yet


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