Getting Started

7150 linux.1 at
Fri Oct 19 17:55:55 CEST 2007

I am trying to flash a rootfs.

I have downloaded an image and dfs-util. I have installed cu.

I'm running Ubuntu 7.10. I have three USB ports on my Toshiba U200. A
mouse is in one, the Neo is in another, and one is unused.

I think my problem is that I don't know what to do with dfs-util.

Here is what I see when I attempt to run it (as root):

root at Fluffy:~# .dfu-util
bash: .dfu-util: command not found
root at Fluffy:~# as a first project.

When I try to run cu (with command from the wiki), I get:

root at Fluffy:~# cu -l /dev/ttyACM0
cu: open (/dev/ttyACM0): No such file or directory
cu: /dev/ttyACM0: Line in use

I suspect this is because I have not used the correct USB port. At least
cu is there and running.


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