Anyone try the Qtopia(trolltech) release on their neo 1973?

jk robertson kellyhax at
Tue Sep 18 22:42:59 CEST 2007

On 9/18/07, Giles Jones <giles.jones at> wrote:
> On 18 Sep 2007, at 20:49, jk robertson wrote:
> > Another rfs for the neo 1973 phone came out today. choice.
> Yep, first time I've received and sent an SMS message on the Neo.
> Works fairly well, sometimes slow to respond. Keyboard works
> surprisingly well.

I just tried flashing their jffs2 that came bundled with the kernel roll. After putting both on, I get a console
Angstrom boot, but it never starts X.  Did you have this issue?

> Power management is flakey, it doesn't wake up too well.
> But I'm impressed, even if I find the icons are bit unclear in terms
> of meaning.
> Don't change the theme whatever you do, it breaks the interface
> (well, makes it unusable).

thanks, noted.


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