Dual Booting? qtopia and Openmoko

Bartlomiej Zdanowski [Zdanek] b.zdanowski at autoguard.pl
Mon Sep 24 14:32:10 CEST 2007

The topic is expanded at Community list. Follow there.

Sudharshan S pisze:
> Hello everyone,
> Now that we have qtopia which sorta works, I am curious to know if
> theres anyone out there who after following the instructions at
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Booting_from_SD have tried installing
> Openmoko in the sd card, and qtopia on the flash memory (I will be
> trying it 12 hours from now since I don't have the neo with right now..)

*Bartlomiej Zdanowski*
Product Research & Development Department
AutoGuard S.A.

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