BUild error...

Yvan Fillion yvan.fillion at
Tue Apr 8 21:01:24 CEST 2008

Hi everyone,

Some time ago another user (Pontus Oldberg) reported this exact  
error. I also set out to build from scratch. I use Ubuntu 7.10 and I  
followed the instruction on the wiki but I get the exact same message  
that Pontus reported.
Notice that I built from scratch on this same machine some months ago  
without problem. I wonder if someone out there is aware of how it can  
be solved. Any charitable soul with more knowledge of the build  
system could point me in the right direction?

ERROR: '['/home/yvan/moko/openembedded/packages/gtk+/gtk']' RDEPENDS/RRECOMMENDS or otherwise requires the
runtime entity 'gtk+-directfb' but it wasn't found in any PACKAGE or
RPROVIDES variables of any buildable targets.
Enable debugging and see earlier logs to find unbuildable targets.
NOTE: Runtime target 'gtk+-directfb' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['gtk+-directfb']

It still builds and generates an image but it behaves very strange.

Thanks for your help,

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