Daily use of Neo1973

Nick Guenther kousue at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 21:57:31 CET 2008

On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 12:00 PM, Tilman Baumann <tilman at baumann.name> wrote:
> Bobby Martin wrote:
>  > Hi Torsten,
>  >
>  > The neo doesn't seem to detect that  a USB cable supplied 500 mA of
>  > power unless it can network with the PC on the other end of the cable
>  > via USB.  I know I've connected the neo to a Windows machine w/o the
>  > networking set up and watched the battery die.
>  Hm. I never tried Windows. But this does not make much sense to me.
>  The Os just has to select a device configuration to allow it to draw
>  power. This does not mean it has to have a driver for it.
>  I'm pretty much sure my linux server which i sometimes use for charging
>  does not have any driver whatsoever for this device. But it charges nicely.
>  Strange. But however, it is windows...

The trouble is Window's driver architecture. Whenever a new device is
plugged in it has to be "installed". It doesn't matter that the neo is
a generic sort of USB device, Windows will totally refuse to talk to
it until you "install". It also needs to be told that it's a sort of
device that it recognizes.

The solution is to make sure to read this:
and use this: http://privat.wmo.de/~c_schweers/NeoRndis.inf (except
this link seems to be dead right now)


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