Native Compilation

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer mickey at
Fri Jan 11 13:42:36 CET 2008

Kurtis Heimerl wrote:
>I've been working on cross compiling a particular software package, and that's working just fine with the tools and direction given by the wiki.
>However, there's a python API it presents, which requires compiling a python module. This, I cannot seem to get working, and i've been struggling for a while. I understand this to be a limitation of python, as most of the reading I've found says it's really difficult to cross compile.  I don't feel I'm at the level to modify the script enough to cross compile correctly, and so I am at an impasse.

OE makes that easy, there are a lot of Python packages already in.
Which package are you struggeling with?



Dr. Michael 'Mickey' Lauer | IT-Freelancer |

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