evas-native fixed, was Re: Request to review and propagate two branches

Koen Kooi k.kooi at student.utwente.nl
Sat Mar 29 20:11:26 CET 2008

Hash: SHA1

Op 29 mrt 2008, om 19:33 heeft Holger Freyther het volgende geschreven:
> On Saturday 29 March 2008 17:21:43 Koen Kooi wrote:
>> Op 29 mrt 2008, om 16:06 heeft Holger Freyther het volgende  
>> geschreven:
>> No, I wrote a do_stage method for evas-native (mtn log packages/efl1/
>> evas-native --last 3 --no-merges) that works around the problem:
>> http://lists.linuxtogo.org/pipermail/openembedded-commits/2008-March/013731
>> .html
>> I told Graeme that and he propagated it to org.om.dev.
> Hi Koen,
> I will consult with Richard and discuss if I'm going to disapprove  
> this. The
> bug is within autotools.bbclass and not within evas-native, it is only
> triggered by evas-native and could be triggered by other software as  
> well. If
> the bug is occuring somewhere else as well the proper fix is not to  
> copy
> do_stage() from evas-native but to find a solution that is fixing  
> the root
> cause. I hope you agree.

I certainly agree, it seems I forgot to put "this is a hack" in the  
commit message and recipe :) But please fix autotools.bbclass _before_  
removing this do_stage from evas-native.
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