Main page change notification

Justin Wong stryderjzw at
Sat Aug 2 22:37:35 CEST 2008

Hi Brenda,

How easy is it for you to make this change?

If not, we could perhaps move the page to another name, but I think
the former is a better option. I think It would be great to have that
title removed, so everything shifts up and you can see more of the
news and stuff.


On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Brian Wilson <brian at> wrote:
> Here is information from the mediawiki FAQ on how to remove "Main Page"
> It will require a change to the CSS file so it has to be done by
> someone with access to those files on the server..
> Brenda?
> (I checked the version, you are at 1.12 so this is the correct instruction)
> --Brian
> ---
> Mediawiki version 1.9+, solution to hide the main page title
> In 1.9 and above (or with the modified files above), you can use CSS
> to hide the main page title.
> Add the following to the MediaWiki:Monobook.css (if you're using
> Monobook; otherwise add this to MediaWiki:Common.css to have it
> applied to all skins) on your wiki:
> h1.firstHeading { display:none; }
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