css: tables, links

BrendaWang brenda_wang at openmoko.com
Tue Aug 5 09:14:58 CEST 2008

I like Light table's design.
Actually , I had build up an test site, try to modify CSS, or create css 
menu . But failed.
Because of some css style can't work on firfox, safari.

Ferenc Veres ??:
> Hi all,
> Two CSS questions.
> One, I still would like to change the visited color link. Both on the
> Wiki and the Mailing Lists archives. To a "color which looks used", as
> Jacob Nielsen on www.useit.com wrote... I linked in my first mail here.
> (This is a serious usabilty issue.)
> Second, the tables. We could avoid the difficult markup, if we decide
> which table designs to use, and someone could add them to the file
> described here: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css Then
> we simply make table with {| style="neo" and then all design is applied.
> My tests are here:
> http://lion.xaraya.hu/pictures/openmoko-css/openmoko-wiki-tables.html
> This includes the "unreadable but cool" table, and a light one. And some
> tests for visited link colors. (Click some links to make it visited.) On
> one of them you can try any color with the small form.
> Of course, I would like the light one to be included in the system css
> files. :-) If you wanna test some more things, let me know, I'll try to
> make the needed HTML/CSS.
> Notes: Main_Page table header color differs a bit from link color, so I
> used the link one in table headers. Press material downloadable from
> openmoko.com does not contain official color codes.
> Many thanks,
> Ferenc
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