Cesar Eduardo Barros cesarb at
Wed Aug 6 01:51:58 CEST 2008

Ferenc Veres escreveu:
>> We had a meeting in Taipei to try to cleanup the
>> folder structure ahead of the Om 2008.8 release
> It's hard to decide which links should be fixed and which pages should
> be deleted instead. (I'll mail Kevin Dean regarding this.)
> Of course normal "download" server links are also broken, we need to fix
> them ASAP.

It's a pity the OM wiki doesn't have [[Special:Linksearch]] 
(, which would allow 
one to easily find ''all'' links pointing to the download server in the 
whole wiki.

(This extension is used on Wikipedia, mostly to find spam links.)

Cesar Eduardo Barros
cesarb at
cesar.barros at

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