
Michael Shiloh michael at
Sat Aug 23 00:34:04 CEST 2008

Minh Ha Duong wrote:
> Hey, that's cool. You want to feed the bot ? Here are some bits taken from the 
> OpenMoko changed its name to Openmoko with a lower case m in March, and they 
> have been waiting for a bot to update the wiki.
> In the same vein: change all Freerunner(s?) and freerunner(s?) to 
> FreeRunner(%1) ?
> neo freerunner  should be  Neo FreeRunner

Actually, no. The official word is Freerunner (lower case 'r').

Otherwise, yes, please throw your bot at these!

> Om2008.8  should be  Om 2008.8  with a space
> Of course, I submit these ideas according to the wiki but it's safer to have 
> consensus.
> Also:
> The AUX button is sometimes written as the Aux button.
> It it the Power Button, power button or Power button (I don't know really).
> Minh

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