Wiki focus - user versus developer documentation

Marko Knöbl openmoko.marko at
Fri Aug 29 13:37:50 CEST 2008

2008/8/29 Cesar Eduardo Barros <cesarb at>:
> Minh Ha Duong escreveu:
>> Two direct questions to Openmoko:
>> *  There is a custom namespace already, Openmoko: Which kind of pages are
>> supposed go in it ?
>> * Same question with the  Help:  namespace ?
> Openmoko: is in fact Project:, same as for instance Wikipedia: on
> Wikipedia. It's usually for meta-pages (i.e. pages related to the wiki
> instead of pages related to the wiki's subject), and it's created by
> default on all Mediawiki sites.
> Help: is another Mediawiki default namespace. It's supposed to be for
> pages to help with using the wiki (for instance, editing help).
> For more information on these namespaces (and all the other default
> namespaces), see
> --
> Cesar Eduardo Barros
> cesarb at
> cesar.barros at
> _______________________________________________
> documentation mailing list
> documentation at

Hi! I already proposed to rename the wiki from "Openmoko" to "Openmoko
Wiki" some time ago because the namespace should be "Openmoko
Wiki".[1] I'm planning to put pages like "Wiki Issues" "Edit Wiki",
"Openmoko Wiki Editing Guidelines" into that namespace as soon as it
is created.


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