RFC: delete SH1 FAQ

Ferenc Veres lion at netngine.hu
Sat Aug 30 22:24:22 CEST 2008


Cesar Eduardo Barros írta, 2008-08-30 21:20 keltezéssel:
> Michael Shiloh escreveu:
>> Unless we have an entirely separate place for archives, this clutters up 
>> the wiki:
>> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/SH1_FAQ
> We could easily create one; move it to something like 
> [[Archives/SH1_FAQ]] and decree all subpages of [[Archives]] to be 
> historical pages.
> [[SH1]] and [[SH1 FAQ]] have some historical interest, due to being the 
> URL in the "coaster" sent with the GTA01.

"SH1" will stay I think.

Earlier today I mailed the author of the linked and related:


asking whether that's still something useful for ones ordering phone 
today, and if not, whether we could delete it. Outdated ordering 
information is worse than anything else, because it leads to trouble too 
early. ;-D Waiting for reply from author.

Documents which are popular enough to be linked from many places should 
be kept. Even if they are outdated. (Getting started guides, etc.)

Delete SH1 FAQ: +1.

Anyway, delete proposals are here, please vote sometime: :-)

Michael: you could use the Editing template on the FAQ. ;-) Is it too 
big? :-D


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