Intro - some thought about the wiki translations

Michael Shiloh michael at
Tue Sep 2 19:12:09 CEST 2008

haduong at wrote:
> Hi Frank,
>   Welcome to the documentation team.
>   What is happening is that we are doing everything we can to turn a big
> disorganized pile of words into a useful (and hopefully someday good
> looking) reference site. Things have improved a lot already, but the
> categorization is still being redone (I think a hierarchical approach
> cannot work well, but that's just me). Meanwhile, we are also learning
> how to use Wikimedia (what are templates, namespaces, subpages, how to
> archive properly etc...) and writing our own guidelines. So it's still
> starting, you are not late to the party.
>   We have not done much on the social organization side. Just add our name to
> . To the best of my
> knowledge, we have not anything formal and none of the community members
> has elevated priviledges. Sysops (wiki administrators) are Brenda
> (coolcat) and Michael S. both from Openmoko
> , which means only they can lock or delete pages.
>   Traditionally we have left it to Brenda to update the navigation bar
> templates, after discussing modifications here. So how precisely do you
> suggest to make it better ?
>   As for the big level structure, so far we have been thinking about how
> to clearly separate user and developper oriented pages, with a half
> conclusion that we should categorize better (I am not sure how, though.
> Must check the guidelines.). I think that the "Key pages" navigation box
> can potentially give a multi-page narrative story, or structure chapters
> if you prefer.
>   I agree that we have too many navigation boxes. IMHO the three on the
> left column should be revised to two, but see above about the left
> navigation. I also think that having "Table of content" + "Key pages" +
> "Language chooser" + the usual wiki header stuff is bad, but I don't
> have time to propose and implement a better page layout. If you want
> ideas on what to do, I would say that giving a more uniform look to all
> the "Key pages on Om 2008.8" would be an easy, significant and visible
> contribution.
>   As for translation, we have been too busy with content to think about
> it. I guess we are waiting for the translators to team up themselves and
> take charge. Here is another exciting task for you !
>   Replacing "Main page" with something else is technically beyond the
> power of wiki editors.
> Yours,
> Minh
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> documentation mailing list
> documentation at

Minh, this is a really nice summary of the work being done. Perhaps it 
should be preserved on the appropriate wiki page?


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