Please undelete "Community Member of the Week"

Michael Shiloh michael at
Thu Sep 4 17:29:47 CEST 2008

Minh Ha Duong wrote:
> Dear all,
>   I motion that we undelete :
> # 10:10, 3 September 2008 Coolcat (Talk | contribs) deleted "Community Member 
> of the Week" ‎ (unused)

OK by me.

> - There were ideas floating around to re-use the page (early August). What 
> happened then ?

Someone had suggested honoring a "wiki maintainer of the week". I 
suggested simply nominating that person to the largly unused "Community 
Member of the Week". There seemed to be agreement but nominations didn't 

> - Remembering the greatness of predecessors is key to community building. It 
> gives a sense of continuity, duty and togetherness... No need to explain that 
> to the confuceans here of course.
> - Honors are given forever. Erasing from collective memory is a strong 
> negative symbolic signal. Even if we are in a big janitorial operation now, 
> that's because our needs and expectations have changed. But what they did at 
> their time was no less good.

Good points, all.

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