15th Community Update Released

sushama sushama at openmoko.com
Fri Apr 3 12:22:33 CEST 2009

Hi All,

Thank you for the contributions. 
The 15th community update newsletter has been released and can be found here: 

This update is for the period from March 20th - 03rd April 2009

As always we have more new applications,updates to some of the previous ones 
and more events that are happening.The last major event that happened was the 
Embedded Systems Conference in San Jose where Sean Moss-Pultz presented the 
FreeRunner mobile phone to designers and engineers.

There has also been quiet bit of news with the buzz fix and the talk that Sean 
gave at the Openexpo- the challenges Openmoko faced and the future of it. 
Gta03 being no more,what we can look for in the future and the recent 
developments within Openmoko. 

Thanks and Regards,

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