Camilo Cerchiari camilo.cerchiari at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 20:28:32 CEST 2007

hello all,

i've been wondering for years now, on the possibility of doing peer-to-peer
calls, using cellular phones.

then openmoko became a reality.
and then this<http://www.terranet.se/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=8&id=17&Itemid=62>[
http://www.terranet.se] came up to my rss reader.

so, being somewhat new to this field, i thought i could find some advice in
this list, on where i should start reading.
the main questions would be:

1.  would it be possible to program an openmoko to work as a Base Station
Subsystem (BSS)?
2.  in case that's not a good idea, would it be possible to implement a
protocol for the openmoko hw, so that it implements that functionality?  (
i.e. transmitting calls in hops, over other openmoko phones, not using GSM)
3.  is this the right place to discuss this?
4.  are any of you interested in working in such a project?

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