[gta02-core] last missing symbols

Álvaro Lopes alvieboy at alvie.com
Mon Jun 8 18:59:07 CEST 2009

Dave Ball wrote:
> My understanding from a quick read of the datasheet was that the 
> function of these pins could be set/changed by config of the GPSMODE 
> lines, or through s/w initialisation after boot.  It's always possible 
> I've miss-understood this of course. :-)
> It also strikes me that the datasheet seems intended for the device 
> including the ublox firmware, so it would be weird for them to include 
> the alternate uses if they don't apply to use with that firmware.  
> Though after the fun with the 2442 docs, this wouldn't be too surprising!

Well those are actually GPIO (or GPI / GPO) pins, so we might want to add some alternate name also on them depicting this.

For example, we could name H6  P17/GPSMODE5/SCK1/UDIO17 or something similar (UDIO: User-Defined IO)

But since we have P17 there might not make much of a sense. However some P\d+ pins are not user configurable.


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