Status of bug #1024 (periodic signal lost and re-registration)

Dieter Spaar spaar at
Mon Dec 22 22:35:19 CET 2008

Hello Sebastian,

> As you can see the switching from one network to another happens
> without disconnecting. Apart from that there are approximately six
> disconnects in a very short timespan each hour.

Thanks for the log. It seems that in all those cases of #1024 I have
seen so far, there is always more than one cell with similar strength
involved so that switching between the cells could occur. Of course
just switching between two cells alone is no problem, however
loosing the signal and then re-registering is a problem.

> I will bring this device with me to 25C3, so you can have a look at
> it there. Assuming, that it happens in Berlin, too ;)

Will be interesting to see if we find a similar situation in Berlin.

> P.S.: Can somebody @25C3 install the Buzz-Fix [2] on my Freerunner?

You might ask Joerg, he is the specialist :-)

Best regards,

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