SDIO multiplexing

Sören Apel abraxa at
Thu May 1 20:01:37 CEST 2008

On Thu, 2008-05-01 at 19:54 +0200, Philippe Guillebert wrote:
> Sören Apel wrote:
> > Personally I'm all for knocking the glamo off the PCB, so I'd really
> > love to see this happen before mass production, even if it delays matters.
> Come on, let's get realistic : GTA02 is just around the corner, it seems 
> obvious there won't be any changes in the design !

One can hope ;)

> I agree with you, glamo seems to suck ; but it's not doing any harm 
> either on the GTA02 design

I beg to differ. I know this subject has been discuss ad nauseum before,
just for the record: my main reason to not like the glamo is that it
limits I/O passthrough to the microSD, hence effectively forbidding SD
and GPU
access at the same time. There are more reasons, so saying that it does
no harm
sounds a tad odd to me. But yeah, not gonna go away any time soon, so we
deal with it.

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