Power leakage: save 40mW by turning GSM on

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer mickey at openmoko.org
Sun Feb 22 20:22:30 CET 2009

Am Sonntag, den 22.02.2009, 19:44 +0100 schrieb Rask Ingemann
> But in the end, I realized that the modem powers
> up with deep sleep enabled, so after a few seconds of AT command
> inactivity,

Right, the first thing you should do when working in non-mux mode is to

>    In particular, is it supposed to undo the effects of AT+CFUN=1
> (which
> will turn on receiver, transmitter and everything else needed for full
> GSM functionality)?

Yes. AT at POFF is what other modems do when you AT+CFUN=0; actually
turning off everything.


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