my buzz fix method

Anthony Clearn aclearn at
Fri Mar 27 12:07:58 CET 2009

Hi Joerg, thanks for the reply. 

You must have missed this bit (before the first photo)

   "I probed R4303 and found it was 2k2Ω"  

my phone was manufactured on 20080821.


From: Joerg Reisenweber <joerg at>
To: hardware at
Cc: Anthony Clearn <aclearn at>; steve at
Sent: Friday, 27 March, 2009 2:34:00
Subject: Re: my buzz fix method

Am Fr  27. März 2009 schrieb Anthony Clearn:
> Hi,
> Here is my attempt
> AFAIK I made a few mistakes:
> 1 I could have used a smaller sized 100uF cap
> 2 I could have used thinner wire, I picked up the wrong spool and didn't 
> 3 I shouldn't have tried to open a solder bridge on a 0402 component with a 
relatively large iron.
> I'm looking into the low volume of my voice on calls, I've only read up 
briefly on what could be the cause. I can't be certadinin it wasn't always so 
low! I am looking through the posts to figure this out from other peoples 

Hey Anthony
muchas gracias for this really cool photo footage. Close to real live. It's 
been all the same when I started to try and do that.

Regarding your low volume: did you check R4303? (It's the one below the two NC 
pads and right side to C4303, the one you borked and replaced. It's clearly 
mentioned in my SOP paper) R4303 is not mentioned in your story if I didn't 
miss anything. Usually it's 0R and it's amazing you get *any* signal at all 
from mic if you haven't replaced it by a ~2k2k (probably anything between 
400Ohms and 3k will do, though I learnt by your report even a 0R will do at 
least partially :D  ).

Please keep on reporting this way, and don't hesitate to ask me for whatever 
kinda help you might need. I have a few spare devices for emergencies ;-)
Your report is considered *very* encouraging by me. It shows how much you can 
deviate from SOP recommendations and still you get better results than MP 
device. Also it shows everybody is encountering some sort of same problems 
when doing this first time, and there's a way to recover from those.

a heartly cheers
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