Bug #1024 (oscillating re-camping), a possible solution.

Daniel Willmann daniel at totalueberwachung.de
Thu May 28 14:40:38 CEST 2009


On Thu, 28 May 2009 12:48:59 +0200
Nils Faerber <nils.faerber at kernelconcepts.de> wrote:

> Dieter Spaar schrieb:
> > The other solution is to remove C1009 and replace it
> > with a 22 uF capacitor. Daniel Willmann has done this
> > successfully with a few phones.
> So this is really 22µF, not 22nF?
> This a quite big capacity.

that is correct.
22µF 0805, 6.3V is what I use. 4V should work as well I guess.
should work fine I guess (haven't tried it yet).

> And as a very last question: Does this also apply to GTA01? And if
> yes, could someone point out which capacitor it is there, ideally
> with a PCB position (either photo or placement graph).

It's also C1009 there and also 10µF. I guess it's generally safe to
assume that schematics/layout of the GSM part haven't changed much
between these two versions.

Daniel Willmann
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