SPI signal accessibility?

Heilpern, Mark mark.heilpern at authentec.com
Fri Aug 3 22:36:19 CEST 2007

I previously sent this to the device-owners list, because I wasn't aware
this hardware list existed... so apologies there.


Does anyone know how I can access the SPI signals on my Neo? The wiki's
v3 debug board page implies that these signals are brought out through
the debug header and will be made accessible on the v3 board, however
the advanced kit apparently is shipping with the v2 debug board. (I
don't know how to verify this; my debug board has no version indication
that I recognize.)


If SPI is actually brought through the debug header, all I really need
is a pin-out list for that header (and a really small soldering iron!).
As I'll need a few more signals beyond SPI, having such a list would be
great - but I don't see that documented on the wiki. Does anyone know if
that header is documented?





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