Music Player - UI question

Abraxa abraxa at
Sat Apr 21 09:28:10 CEST 2007

Hiho again =)

> The short answer is yes. The long answer is that we were planning on
> using a simple directory based structure for phase 1. So there would be
> something like music/playlists/* and you would store playlists there. 
> Phase 2 we were planning on doing something more complex. Do you have a
> better idea now?

Yup, thank you!

> > My suggestion is to add another screen where the user can add files  
> > to/delete files from the playlist he/she currently selected. Also I'd  
> > add another button to the main screen which would bring the user there.
> > 
> > Any commments/ideas/suggestions?
> This would be possible. But it's goings to involve file browsing which
> is probably a stylus option. But again, I'm totally open to changing the
> way this works.

I'd like to clarify things some more before I go into this. The way I
understood it till now was that the Music Player is used for audio while
the Media Player is used for either audio or video. The wiki also lists
a finger-based Video Player for phase 2 but isn't this making the Media
Player redundant?

The Media Player page says nothing about video so far but talks about
audio only. From my point of view it's pointless to have two different
applications on the Neo do the same things. Thus I'd like suggest the

-) Make a dedicated audio player whose main interface can be controlled
using one's fingers. It should also offer a playlist editor even if that
needs the stylus - yes, that would mix the use cases but it makes the
most sense in my opinion since I, as a user, would be alienated by an
application that won't directly allow me to change what I can listen
Imagine you're in the Music Player, remember some track and want to
listen to it right away. You'll have to open the Media Player, edit a
playlist, switch back to the Music Player, open that playlist there and
only then you can play it...
To be frank that's rather awkward to me compared with just editing the
playlist from within the Music Player and adding the track there.

-) Make a dedicated video player, also with a mixed finger- and
stylus-based interface. Read: main controls are finger-based with the
file selection/playlist interface being stylus-based.

I can see how a general Media Player could make sense but honestly I'm
not sure whether it'll be used much if there are dedicated audio and
video players already - especially if they meet the user's demands

Best wishes,

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