A few questions about i18n (and calc issues)

Peter Trapp openmoko at genial.ms
Fri Mar 23 20:41:18 CET 2007

From: Rodolphe Ortalo <rodolphe.ortalo at free.fr>
> Finally, a more specific question wrt the calculator: does everyone
> expect numbers to be fully formatted according to the locale for the
> basic calculator display?
> This question may sound strange to you, but it happens that I am french
> and, in french, we usually do not insert any space or sign between 10^3
> intervals so no locale and the french locale is pretty similar (i18n
> reduces to the '.' vs ',' decimal point substitution for FR).
> So would you expect something like this for the (basic) calculator
> result display:
> 12,345.67       English
> 12.345,67       German
>  12345,67       French
> 1,2345.67       Asia

If there's no '10^3' sign I won't even care about '.' and ',' as decimal point :)
So from my side deciding between '.' and ',' will be nice but no more effort for '10^3'
is needed. I also checked a couple of devices, all of them are w/o '10^3'.


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