WPA / 54G WLAN success on A5 here :-D

Andy Green andy at openmoko.com
Fri Feb 1 12:23:13 CET 2008

Hash: SHA1

Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> Hi Andy,
> On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 10:43:44AM +0000, Andy Green wrote:
> Hi Sameo -
> Wah lovely stuff, was able to configure wpa_supplicant by hand and use
> udhcpd to get right on my local WLAN and stay there until now anyway.
>> Excellent :-) So, that's a WPA AP, right ? And you managed to get a
>> DHCP offer from the AP ?

Yep, proper WPA AP:

~$ wpa_supplicant -Dwext -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -ieth0
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
ioctl[SIOCGIWSCAN]: Resource temporarily unavailable
Trying to associate with 00:11:50:xx:xx:xx (SSID='froh' freq=2437 MHz)
Associated with 00:11:50:xx:xx:xx
WPA: Key negotiation completed with 00:11:50:xx:xx:xx [PTK=CCMP GTK=TKIP]
CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:11:50:xx:xx:xx completed (auth)
[id=0 id_str=]

and the DHCP offer:

$ udhcpc eth0
udhcpc (v1.2.1) started
run-parts: /etc/udhcpc.d/00avahi-autoipd exited with return code 1: Success
Sending discover...
Sending select for
Lease of obtained, lease time 7200
run-parts: /etc/udhcpc.d/00avahi-autoipd exited with return code 1: Success
adding dns

But I am a few metres away from the AP, maybe it helps.

>> I currently have 2 bugs with our 2.0 firmware:
>> 1) with my AP, my module doesn't hear the AP's DHCP offer unless I switch
>> it to full power (no power saving).

Ah that can be about your AP perhaps?  The powersaving thing relies on a
rendezvous at beacon times to pick up packets (and the client WLAN
powers down for ~100ms inbetween), maybe the problem can come from the
AP side.  Mine is a Belkin F5D7230-4.

>> 2) If I scp a big file from another machine to /dev/null, the link stalls,
>> and it looks like the module is dead.

>> Atheros is saying that this could be related to my AP, so I'd be really
>> happy if you could run test 2) on your network.

Maybe it is not the AP.

I did already a 50MB transfer to time it initially:

wget http://warmcat.com/xxxxxxx -O/dev/null
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But I repeated it since you mention it can die:

Connecting to warmcat.com[]:80
null                   0% |                             |     0
- --:--:-- ETAnull                   0% |                             |
234 KB 00:03:30 ETAnull                   0% |
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|*                            |  1996 KB 00:02:22 ETAnull
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                       |  7962 KB 00:01:59 ETA[ 8813.910000] AR6000 scan
complete: 0
[ 8813.920000] AR6000 Neighbor Report Event
[ 8813.920000] bssid 00:11:50:xx:xx:xx
null                  16% |****                         |  7962 KB
00:02:05 ETAnull                  16% |****                         |
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|****                         |  7962 KB  - stalled -null
   16% |****                         |  7962 KB  - stalled -null
          16% |****                         |  7962 KB  - stalled -null

>> Yeah, it's not too bad. Are you running with the peripheral clock at 50 Mhz ?
>> Also, do still get the spinlock BUG() you were frequently getting ?
>> Lots of questions, sorry :-/

No problem... I did not see the spinlock BUG() yet since updating
everything, so that is encouraging, but I didn't reboot many times yet.

Peripheral clock is 50MHz, yes:

[    0.000000] S3C244X: core 400.000 MHz, memory 100.000 MHz, peripheral
50.000 MHz

One other minor thing, maybe it's not actually your problem either, but
the iwconfig data about signal strength is either unscaled or broken.

- -Andy

PS Actually, a couple of other things... can we expect Monitor Mode and
raw injection?  I realize we are at the mercy of the firmware there.
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