GPS test procedure

Werner Almesberger werner at
Mon Jul 21 02:38:58 CEST 2008

This is an update of the test procedure I wrote for our Taipei team.
It's the same for regular devices except that you won't have to worry
about the capacitor :)

Results from the field are hotly welcome ;-)

- Werner

---------------------------------- cut here -----------------------------------

0) Preparation:

  - take the unmodified GTA2v6 (the two without the capacitor rework)

  - build and install a kernel from the latest "andy" branch, making
    sure it contains debug-add-glamo-drive-strength-module-param.patch

  - insert a microSD card

1) Try with disabling the SD_CLK:

  - boot the Neo

  - do 10 time to first fix (TTFF) tests

2) Try changing the drive strength:

  - log on and execute the following commands (drive strength 0):

    echo 1 >/sys/module/glamo_mci/parameters/sd_idleclk
    echo 0 >/sys/module/glamo_mci/parameters/sd_drive
    dd if=/dev/mmcblk0  of=/dev/null bs=1 count=1

  - without rebooting the device, do 10 TTFF tests

  - repeat for drive strength 1:

    echo 1 >/sys/module/glamo_mci/parameters/sd_idleclk
    echo 1 >/sys/module/glamo_mci/parameters/sd_drive
    dd if=/dev/mmcblk0  of=/dev/null bs=1 count=1

  - without rebooting, do 10 TTFF tests

  - repeat for drive strength 2 and 3.

Careful ! The spaces in the "echo" command are important.

  CORRECT:  echo 0 >something
  WRONG:    echo 0>something

3) Post the results :-)

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