Openmoko Bug #1682: Neo turns off before reaching X
Openmoko Public Trac
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Wed Jul 30 11:45:18 CEST 2008
#1682: Neo turns off before reaching X
Reporter: queen6 | Owner: openmoko-kernel
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: high | Milestone: ASU
Component: System Software | Version: GTA02v5
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Blocking:
Blockedby: |
Comment(by queen6):
Yeah, exactly the same behaviour. It starts loading, kernel, everything
seems to be fine, initiate INIT, that the bloody boots come up (how can I
remove it btw? Without it I could see exactly when it dies). That around 1
min later (around the time when X should load and change the background
theme to openmoko one) it just dies (turns itself off).
Leaving phone connected to USB charger for 10 min doesn't change the
situation (hence the previous question - does the phone charge while
powered off?).
I'm guessing it's battery related, because if I change the battery to more
charged one (nokia spare battery), that it starts fine. I can remove the
battery and place my original one.
As mentioned before, some time ago (~2 weeks) you could boot completely
without the battery (it was only needed for powering the device up and
initiating u-boot). It never required battery during linux boot process or
X. Right now I can't get into X without well charged battery.
The battery voltage was around 3.55V when it died (used watch -n.5 'cat
/sys/.../current_voltage' to monitor) - can't check it manually using
voltage meter.
Any ideas?
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