Freerunner sometimes doesn't wake up

Andy Green andy at
Mon Jun 2 09:49:08 CEST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Somebody in the thread at some point said:

| Michael, have you still been experiencing this problem? I've found that
| the ordering of the resume isn't correct and it ends up blanking the
| display on resume. The unit appears to be functioning but just that the
| display is turned off. The following change fixed the problem for me:

I was looking at this code yesterday and puzzling over how you can ever
have backlight up already before the pcf50633 comes to resume, as you
report.  Who wrote to pcf50633 registers to enable backlight before
pcf50633 resumed itself?  Should be nobody and then the code you change
is not invalid.

Sounds like it has to be a race with the jbt6k74 driver because he's the
only guy that cares (platform calls pcf50633_backlight_resume() when he

I'll do some work in that area today for you to test rather than apply
this patch that, according to the logic above, can't be striking at the

- -Andy

PS Will that charging LED thing is nearly ready.  Just a ludicrously
large patch to do an apparently simple job.  If we wired up an LED
direct to pcf50633 GPIO it would have needed one line of code, or if we
had an MPU it likewise would not further have crapped up pcf50633 driver
in Linux.
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