[PATCH 0/5] Power supply and resume ordering meddling

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer mickey at openmoko.org
Sun Jun 8 23:24:24 CEST 2008

On Sunday 08 June 2008 18:01:10 Wolfgang Spraul wrote:
> Mickey,
> what's the URL where I can download the community builds?

That's basically what's in org.openembedded.dev, the builds that people like 
ScaredyCat and misc. other guys from #openmoko and #neo1973-germany.de 

> Who is 'the community'?

Good question. In this case, the people who do their own builds out of 
OpenEmbedded. They do it, because they buy and use our hardware to realize 
their own ideas. Hardwiring the functionality of sensors and actors is 
counterproductive for this usecase hence I prefer to have it not done in the 
builds from org.openembedded.dev.


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