why we set CAMDIVN and CLKDIVN

xiangfu xiangfu at openmoko.org
Thu Jun 19 06:40:40 CEST 2008

# define CLKDIVN        0x4C000014    /* clock divisor register */
# define CLKDIVN_val      7             /* FCLK:HCLK:PCLK = 1:3:6 */
    /* FCLK:HCLK:PCLK = 1:2:4 */
    ldr    r0, =CLKDIVN
    mov    r1, #CLKDIVN_val
    str    r1, [r0]

    /* Make sure we get FCLK:HCLK:PCLK = 1:3:6 */
# define CAMDIVN        0x4C000018
    ldr    r0, =CAMDIVN
    mov    r1, #0
    str    r1, [r0]
----i don't know why we set CAMDIVN and CLKDIVN

----i still can't run the C function by add "stack_setup".

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