gta01/02 address space

Wolfgang Spraul wolfgang at
Thu May 1 11:19:19 CEST 2008

great, good start!
Unfortunately I still don't know what the base address for 0xFF800000  
is. It is pointing into NAND, but where does NAND start?
Thanks for your help,

On May 1, 2008, at 5:02 PM, Andy Green wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> | Werner, Andy,
> | I was looking at a 'nand bad' output in u-boot and saw some  
> addresses
> | (0ff80000, 0ffa0000, etc).
> | Where is the base address, in other words - where is NAND flash  
> offset 0
> | in the CPU's 32-bit address space?
> |
> | Does someone know where we have a complete map? Including all
> | controllers, memory registers, video ram, and whatever is mapped  
> into
> | the address space?
> | I only know the SDRAM starts at 0x30000000, for both GTA01 and  
> GTA02 I
> | guess.
> Werner would know any differences for GTA01, but looking at the 2442
> datasheet p172 Fig 5-1, the basic deal is that 8 physical chip select
> signals map on to 128MByte blocks from physical address 0.
> The first block holds a little 4KByte RAM buffer that is auto-filled
> from NAND by CPU hardware, called "steppingstone" when we boot from
> NAND, or the NOR is mapped in there.
> nCS0: 00000000 07FFFFFF  4K steppingstone or NOR (Aux held down)
> nCS1: 08000000 0FFFFFFF  Glamo
> nCS2: 10000000 17FFFFFF  nothing mapped
> nCS3: 18000000 1FFFFFFF  NOR
> nCS4: 20000000 17FFFFFF  nothing mapped
> nCS5: 28000000 2FFFFFFF  nothing mapped
> nCS6: 30000000 37FFFFFF  on-MCP SDRAM 128MB
> nCS7: 38000000 3FFFFFFF  external SDRAM 128MB
> - -Andy
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -
> fXAAnRPOkIKq4w/edIC/1E6kRahIvFmW
> =0Tfl

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