Qi and ext4

Robert Piasek robert.piasek at member.fsf.org
Mon Feb 23 01:51:38 CET 2009

On Monday 23 February 2009 00:15:36 you wrote:
> Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> ext4 is becoming "real" now so support would be good, let us know what
> you find.

If you want to use ext4 in "compatible" mode - than yes ext2 parser is enough. 
If you want to use extents - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extent_(file_systems) 
(which was main reason I changed from ext3) you're loosing ext2/3 
compatibility. So new parser will be required.

> A better way to come at that is use the noboot-GTA02 thing
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Qi#Files
> on your normal partition to force it skipped by Qi.  Then it will create
> the correct root= on the second one automatically.

It will if Qi can read second partition (currently it can't).

The way described by me in previous email - was workaround to pull kernel from 
1st partition (ext3), and use 2nd partition as root (ext4 - which Qi can't 


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