Openmoko Bug #2310: charging N900 with gta02 causes the gta02 to overheat
Openmoko Public Trac
bugs at
Thu Sep 10 20:36:42 CEST 2009
#2310: charging N900 with gta02 causes the gta02 to overheat
Reporter: lindi | Owner: openmoko-kernel
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: System Software | Version: unspecified
Severity: normal | Keywords: battery pmu charging
Haspatch: 0 | Blockedby:
Estimated: | Patchreview:
Blocking: | Reproducible:
Steps to reproduce:
1) modprobe ochi-hcd
2) echo host > /sys/devices/platform/s3c-ohci/usb_mode
3) echo 1 > /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/0-0073/neo1973-pm-host.0/hostmode
4) connect nokia N900 and openmoko with usb cable
Expected results:
4) N900 charges from openmoko
Actual results:
4) N900 charges from openmoko. However, the openmoko heats considerably up
and you notice the smell of burning components. The current_now sysfs node
shows a current of 2000 mA.
More info:
Qi 9ef7754b8243457c
linux andy-tracking 9ecc089861ab238e
kernel cmdline: loglevel=4 console=tty0 console=ttySAC2,115200
init=/sbin/init ro mtdparts=physmap-
ext2),0x0f6a0000(rootfs) g_ether.host_addr=00:1F:11:01:1F:6B
g_ether.dev_addr=00:1F:11:01:1F:6B root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootdelay=1
rootdelay=1 panic=20 mem=127M root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 loglevel=8
distro: debian gnu/linux unstable
hardware revision: 24420350
gta02v5 with buzz fix
Ticket URL: <> <>
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