Openmoko Bug #2310: charging N900 with gta02 causes the gta02 to overheat
Openmoko Public Trac
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Thu Sep 10 23:53:35 CEST 2009
#2310: charging N900 with gta02 causes the gta02 to overheat
Reporter: lindi | Owner: openmoko-kernel
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: System Software | Version: unspecified
Severity: normal | Keywords: battery pmu charging
Haspatch: 0 | Blockedby:
Estimated: | Patchreview:
Blocking: | Reproducible:
Comment(by lindi):
Here's syslog output I recovered from the SD card. Here's what I remember:
1) I stopped gprs, put phone to hostmode and connected it to nokia
2) I was watching current_now and got really nervous when it showed values
around 2000 mA
3) I disconnected nokia from the phone and was really worried since the
current_now values seemed to stay high
4) I did a few suspend/resume cycles but that did not help, current_now
still showed pretty high values. You can see this if you grep for
'consumption' from the syslog output:
Sep 10 19:11:24 ginger logger: resuming (reason EINT09_PMU:button)
(temperature 31.1) (consumption 19875) (energy 98)
Sep 10 19:19:49 ginger logger: resuming (reason EINT09_PMU:button)
(temperature 31.1) (consumption 18000) (energy 97)
Sep 10 19:38:07 ginger logger: resuming (reason EINT09_PMU:button)
(temperature 30.8) (consumption 13500) (energy 93)
Sep 10 19:55:16 ginger logger: resuming (reason EINT09_PMU:button)
(temperature 55.6) (consumption 1812187) (energy 0)
Sep 10 19:57:01 ginger logger: resuming (reason EINT09_PMU:button)
(temperature 58.6) (consumption 1757437) (energy 0)
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