Openmoko Bug #2310: charging N900 with gta02 causes the gta02 to overheat
Openmoko Public Trac
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Fri Sep 11 12:35:52 CEST 2009
#2310: charging N900 with gta02 causes the gta02 to overheat
Reporter: lindi | Owner: openmoko-kernel
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: System Software | Version: unspecified
Severity: normal | Keywords: battery pmu charging
Haspatch: 0 | Blockedby:
Estimated: | Patchreview:
Blocking: | Reproducible:
Comment(by lindi):
Some comments from IRC:
< DocScrutinizer> lindi-: could you check USB_FLT aka GPM5 GPIO
< DocScrutinizer> maybe AAT1276 does no current limiting but simply
triggers USB_FLT. Maybe we have a short on datalines. Maybe we have
massive drop of efficiency on choke getting satturated and thus all the
current runs into that choke and heats it up (i prefer that idea for now)
< PaulFertser> DocScrutinizer-8: btw, i would be amazed to know N900
actually can draw more than 500mA without negotiating.
I have not removed the main can yet so I can not investigate what damage
might have occured to the components. I also can not measure USB_FLT since
I don't have the N900 anymore to test with.
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