Problem with development kernel tree (openmoko kernel.git)
shazalive at
Thu Apr 15 11:15:22 CEST 2010
> For the
> file I get :
> rafa at nodo3:~/openmoko/linux-2.6$ git pull
> remote: Counting objects: 342324, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (54542/54542), done.
> remote: Total 315446 (delta 258483), reused 312525 (delta 256180)
> Receiving objects: 100% (315446/315446), 92.16 MiB | 105 KiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (258483/258483), completed with 11442 local objects.
> From git://
> ee4642a..973a41f andy-tracking -> origin/andy-tracking
> * [new branch] andy-tracking-nohist -> origin/andy-tracking-nohist
> * [new branch] ar6000-2.6.31 -> origin/ar6000-2.6.31
> * [new branch] ar6000-2.6.32 -> origin/ar6000-2.6.32
> + 9aa190a...d9235e3 balaji-tracking -> origin/balaji-tracking (forced
> update)
> * [new branch] bq27000-2.6.31 -> origin/bq27000-2.6.31
> * [new branch] bq27000-2.6.32 -> origin/bq27000-2.6.32
> * [new branch] drm-tracking -> origin/drm-tracking
> * [new branch] gdrm-2.6.32 -> origin/gdrm-2.6.32
> * [new branch] glamo-2.6.31 -> origin/glamo-2.6.31
> * [new branch] glamo-2.6.32 -> origin/glamo-2.6.32
> * [new branch] gta01-machine-2.6.31 -> origin/gta01-machine-2.6.31
> * [new branch] gta02-machine-2.6.31 -> origin/gta02-machine-2.6.31
> * [new branch] gta02-machine-2.6.32 -> origin/gta02-machine-2.6.32
> * [new branch] gta02-machine-devices-2.6.31 ->
> origin/gta02-machine-devices-2.6.31
> * [new branch] gta02-machine-devices-2.6.32 ->
> origin/gta02-machine-devices-2.6.32
> * [new branch] gta02-vibrator-2.6.31 -> origin/gta02-vibrator-2.6.31
> * [new branch] jbt6k74-2.6.31 -> origin/jbt6k74-2.6.31
> * [new branch] jbt6k74-2.6.32 -> origin/jbt6k74-2.6.32
> b460dd0..557e993 master -> origin/master
> * [new branch] master-nohist -> origin/master-nohist
> 794516c..2515f9a mokopatches-tracking -> origin/mokopatches-tracking
> * [new branch] mokopatches-tracking-nohist ->
> origin/mokopatches-tracking-nohist
> * [new branch] om-2.6.31 -> origin/om-2.6.31
> * [new branch] om-extra-2.6.31 -> origin/om-extra-2.6.31
> * [new branch] om-gta01-2.6.31 -> origin/om-gta01-2.6.31
> * [new branch] om-gta02-2.6.31 -> origin/om-gta02-2.6.31
> * [new branch] om-gta02-2.6.32 -> origin/om-gta02-2.6.32
> * [new branch] om-s3c-2.6.31 -> origin/om-s3c-2.6.31
> * [new branch] om-s3c-2.6.32 -> origin/om-s3c-2.6.32
> * [new branch] pcf50606-2.6.31 -> origin/pcf50606-2.6.31
> * [new branch] pcf50633-2.6.31 -> origin/pcf50633-2.6.31
> * [new branch] pcf50633-2.6.32 -> origin/pcf50633-2.6.32
> * [new branch] pending-tracking -> origin/pending-tracking
> * [new branch] pending-tracking-nohist ->
> origin/pending-tracking-nohist
> * [new branch] platform_battery-2.6.31 ->
> origin/platform_battery-2.6.31
> * [new branch] platform_battery-2.6.32 ->
> origin/platform_battery-2.6.32
> * [new branch] proposed -> origin/proposed
> * [new branch] s3c-touchscreen-2.6.31 ->
> origin/s3c-touchscreen-2.6.31
> * [new branch] s3c-touchscreen-2.6.32 ->
> origin/s3c-touchscreen-2.6.32
> cfea911..f19f259 stable -> origin/stable
> 1b17c67..893e864 stable-tracking -> origin/stable-tracking
> * [new branch] stable-tracking-nohist ->
> origin/stable-tracking-nohist
> * [new branch] wm8753-2.6.31 -> origin/wm8753-2.6.31
> * [new branch] wm8753-2.6.32 -> origin/wm8753-2.6.32
> Updating b460dd0..557e993
> error: Entry '.mailmap' would be overwritten by merge. Cannot merge.
I have similar experience with this merge problem but the git repository of
openmoko works for me. If repository is not important then try a snapshot of
a stable or latest kernel.
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