[PATCH] GTA02A3 GPIO initial

Harald Welte laforge at openmoko.org
Tue Oct 16 11:08:14 CEST 2007

Dear Willie!

Thanks for your mail.

On Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 02:25:05PM +0800, Willie wrote:
> Miles and Allen find GTA02A3 can't display LCD problem. GPIO GPA14 need to 
> set nGCS3.

I'm quite aware that the GPIO initialization for GTA02v3 has to be
different than GTA02v2. However:

> --- /home/willie/uboot-gta02/u-boot-test-ch/board/neo1973/gta02/gta02.c	2007-10-03 10:10:11.000000000 +0800
> +++ board/neo1973/gta02/gta02.c	2007-10-16 11:54:35.000000000 +0800
> @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ int board_init (void)
>  	gpio->GPJCON = 0x1545541;
>  #elif defined(CONFIG_ARCH_GTA02_v2)
> -	gpio->GPACON = 0x007E1FFF;
> +	gpio->GPACON = 0x007E5FFF;
>  	gpio->GPADAT |= (1 << 16);      /* Set GPA16 to high (nNAND_WP) */
>  	gpio->GPBCON = 0x00155555;

This changes the GTA02v2 GPIO init.  Please use 'make gta02v3_config'
for a GTA02v3 u-boot image.

And as you can see (from gta02.c as of current svn patchset), the code
actually contains this now:

> #elif defined(CONFIG_ARCH_GTA02_v3) || defined(CONFIG_ARCH_GTA02_v4)
> 	gpio->GPACON = 0x007E5FFF;

As soon as I get access to a GTA02v3 unit, I can check if the gta02v3
u-boot version has other issues or not.

- Harald Welte <laforge at openmoko.org>          	        http://openmoko.org/
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