Memory Usage in opkg
Thomas Wood
thomas at
Wed May 21 13:11:28 CEST 2008
Over the last two and a half days I've been fixing all the memory leaks
discovered by running libopkg_test. I have reduced the directly lost and
indirectly lost memory to 0 bytes. The reachable memory at exit has been
reduced to 29kB (down from ~13MB), with the remaining blocks belonging
to libgpgme and libcurl which does not appear to be freed by their
respective de-initialisation routines.
Having had such a detailed look at the code, I am fairly further
optimisation work is possible in terms of both memory usage and speed.
Some interesting statistics:
* I've add some 65 additional free and deinit statements
* ... of which 52 are additional free() calls alone
* 18 files changed, mostly in libopkg, but also one in libbb
* Total of 184 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
Reports from valgrind
ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 65 from 1)
malloc/free: in use at exit: 29,064 bytes in 2,013 blocks.
malloc/free: 1,145,726 allocs, 1,143,713 frees, 1,443,951,146 bytes allocated.
For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v
searching for pointers to 2,013 not-freed blocks.
checked 390,804 bytes.
definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
still reachable: 29,064 bytes in 2,013 blocks.
suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
Graph from massif
(MB in use vs. MB (de)allocated)
13.04^ # .
| # :
| :# ::
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| ::# @ .::: :.
| @::# @ . .. :::: :: .. ,. ,:
| :@::# @: .:@:: : ::::: :@ :::@: .:@:.
| .:@::# @: .::@:::::. .::::: :@. :::@::::::@::
| ,::@::# @: :::@:::::: .:::::: :@: :::@::::::@:::
| @::@::# @: :::@::::::. ::::::: :@: :::@::::::@::.
| ,@::@::# @: :::@::::::: .::::::: :@: :::@::::::@:::
| ,@@::@::# @: :::@:::::::. .:::::::: :@: :::@::::::@::::
| @@@::@::# @: :::@:::::::: ::::::::: :@: :::@::::::@::::.
| .@@@::@::# @: :::@:::::::: ::::::::: :@: :::@::::::@:::::
| :@@@::@::# @: :::@::::::::: . ::::::::: :@: :::@::::::@::::::
| :@@@::@::# @: :::@:::::::::. : ::::::::: :@: :::@::::::@:::::.
| ::@@@::@::# @: :::@:::::::::: : ::::::::: :@: :::@::::::@::::::,
| .::@@@::@::# @: :::@:::::::::: :: ::::::::: :@: :::@::::::@::::::@
| :::@@@::@::# @: :::@::::::::::: .:: ::::::::: :@: :::@::::::@::::::@:
| ,:::@@@::@::# @: :::@:::::::::::. ::: ::::::::: :@: :::@::::::@::::::@.
0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->MB
0 94.44
Number of snapshots: 76
Detailed snapshots: [1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13 (peak), 14, 19, 32, 47, 53, 63, 73]
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