[SHR] Locking the Screen?

Thomas Franck thomas.franck at gmx.com
Tue Dec 2 15:16:06 CET 2008

Hi.. :)

As of last week I am finally the dad of a cute little FreeRunner.. been
fiddling with it to some extend and so far I'm very happy with the SHR
distribution (thank you! looking forward to a release ;)).

However, what I am missing is a Screen Lock.. as so far I am primarily
using TangoGPS and have set suspend = off, I am somewhat concerned about
that as I certainly do not want to worry about touching the screen ;)..
with the OM2007, the FR locked when I pressed AUX..

I wonder if that could be brought back in? or maybe the Zedlock that is
mentioned in the Wiki[1], which I think looks quite nice?

I guess one can probably make a setting somewhere to enable locking with
AUX (I suppose maybe /etc/freesmartphone/oevents/rules.yaml ? ) so I
will look around, but I think locking the screen should be back(?) in
the distribution.. :)

[1] http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Zedlock


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