what software can be used to send AGPS data to /dev/ttySAC1?

Alastair Johnson alastair at truebox.co.uk
Tue Dec 2 15:18:33 CET 2008

Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> I would like to get GPS fix faster with debian on freerunner. From
> files fetched by mokomakefile I found two things that mention agps:
> 1) ./openembedded/packages/openmoko-projects/openmoko-agpsui_svn.bb
>  which seems to be just GUI
> 2) openmoko/developers/matt_hsu/agps-online which seems to be a simple
>  client but requires username/password to u-blox.com
> Are other distros using u-blox.com? Do they use some hardcoded
> username/password? What software do they use to feed agps data to
> /dev/ttySAC1?
> If I find such software and it helps me to get fix faster I can make a
> preliminary debian package and propose it for the pkg-fso team.

If you're using FSO then ogpsd is already saving and restoring almanac 
and possibly ephemeris data from the last time the GPS was powered up. 
IIRC it is planned to extend this to use the data from ublox.com if the 
stored data is too old, but it hasn't been done yet. Communicating 
directly with the serial port while ogpsd is running, or any other gps 
daemon for that matter, will cause problems.

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