why is my freerunner magnetic?

Robin Paulson robin.paulson at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 19:25:33 CET 2008

2008/12/3 Joel Newkirk <freerunner at newkirk.us>:
>>> There are two speakers, you know... ;)
>> not in the freerunner:
>> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Neo_1973_vs_Neo_FreeRunner
> Yes, in the FreeRunner.  The 1973 has stereo speakers AND the handset
> speaker, the FreeRunner has a Mono speaker AND the handset speaker. When
> you play an audio file on the FreeRunner without a headset, the sound comes
> out of the bottom of the FR, NOT out of the earpiece - that's the
> loudspeaker, located near the bottom of the screen.

ok, thanks guys. the vibrator driver sounds the most likely - i'd
accounted for the earpiece and the speaker; neither are near enough

cheers for the help

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