[Debian] trying to get bluetooth headset to work

Joerg Reisenweber joerg at openmoko.org
Thu Dec 4 01:37:41 CET 2008

Am Mi  3. Dezember 2008 schrieb Josh Thompson:
> As another test (and I have no idea if this should really work), I tried 
> the diagram here:
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/images/a/af/WM8753_ALSA_Mapping.png
> to try to route audio from MIC2 to the bluetooth speaker and audio from the 
> bluetooth mic to ROUT1.  Neither of these worked.

This seems to be a rather weird setup, creating a bidir communication between 
handset and headset. Well maybe it's usefull for a 10meter walkietalkie, if 
it is feasible at all, mixer-wise (I didn't check this, as there's been no 
real demand for it yet).
Please also note you have to drive ROUT2 antiphase with LOUT2 and enable both 
outputs, for REC4301 to work properly.

For BT GSM operation you have to route RXP/N input (From Modem) to 
BT-headset-speaker, and BT-headset-mic-input to MONO1/2 antiphase (to Modem)

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